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Do you love stories? Then become a friend or sponsor of the Geschichtenoase!


With your commitment you promote the cultural heritage of oral storytelling.

The nonprofit Verein Geschichtenoase is committed to the dissemination, promotion and communication of this art form. Your support helps to continue and constantly develop storytelling.


As a friend of the Geschichtenoase you will receive:

CHF 50.- per year


  • 1 voucher for a drink of your choice at an event

  • Free choice of seats in the first two rows of the Festival of Stories (while stocks last)


As a sponsor of the Geschichtenoase you will receive:

CHF 250.- per year


  • 2 tickets for an evening performance plus 1 drink of your choice, 1 family ticket per year

  • Free choice of seats in the first two rows of the Festival of Stories (while stocks last)


You are of course free to choose the amount of your support.









For further questions:


Verein Geschichtenoase

Strassburgstrasse 10

8004 Zurich

077 457 45 30


Zürcher Kantonalbank, 8010 Zurich

Verein Geschichtenoase

CH53 0070 0114 8041 5522 6

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